Saturday, 5 September 2009

No one is perfect

Yesterday I had an appointment with my dentist. It sounds as if it was a special event and there’s some truth in that because I had to take a day off to go to her. Not only it takes a couple of hours in total to get to and from her office but the visit itself can last an indefinite time. Just as it happened yesterday. I needed a new filling done which took not more than a half an hour but I spent in her office a little over 2 hours. For some reason she thinks of me as of a friend and once she starts taking nothing can stop her. I was buried under an avalanche of words and this time she lectured me about the superiority of the female sex. I really wonder what happened to her in the past to make her resent men so extremely. Whenever I get together with my girlfriends at some point the conversation inevitably turns to the topic of what men are and why they are the way they are. But my lady friends always talk about men with a touch of laughter and affection and it is clear it is just a “girl talk” while my dentist spoke about men with such passionate anger, malice and bitterness that it was frightening. I will never understand this warfare between sexes because I refuse to believe the nature of a person is defined by that person’s sex. Too bad my dentist is brilliant in her profession and I’ll be forced to listen to a lot more of that “men are idiots” bullshit.


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