Thursday, 1 May 2014

... 356

I'd love to know what makes people happy because I can’t seem to find the intersection point.

Here's a crazy thought: I could simply ask. It sounds silly but then again maybe not so much. People love to talk about themselves and I don't mind listening. You never know where inspiration will pop up from. 


Blogger This Day. This Rain. said...

All right. Not that it matters.
I had an intention to post one song as a comment. Then I decided that it would be insolent and inappropriate.
After seeing the follow-up of the thread I will just do it. It's not good answer, if it's an answer at all, but it just came to my mind.
Anyways, sorry if the whole comment feel's intrusive.

1 May 2014 at 21:11  
Blogger balance said...

Hey, hey, I’m just happy to have any reply at all-talking to myself was starting to feel…odd, to say the least. So thank you-it’s good to have a feedback now and then. And you have nothing to apologize for. Sometimes music is the most appropriate answer there can be…unless it’s a Justin Bieber song of course. Just kidding :)
Really, thank you.

2 May 2014 at 07:09  
Blogger This Day. This Rain. said...

: )
There is nothing to be thanked for, really.
Yes, Justin Bieber has the magical ability of bringing out the best in a person's character, doesn't he.
And I am glad that you were happy, for whatever amount of time (or the proper expression should be "whatever period of time" - hmph, what can I say, I've recently noticed that my English language skill is enviable:) But seriously, I am truly glad.
And even if it sounds selfish...don't stop talking to yourself.

2 May 2014 at 21:43  
Blogger balance said...

True, your English is more than fine :)

As for the voices in my head-I don't think I could mute them even if I wanted. And I don't :) "Celebrate diversity!" A world in which everybody is the same would be so boring wouldn't it?

3 May 2014 at 13:27  
Blogger This Day. This Rain. said...

Oh yes, it would be awful. Especially for all of you conscious people out there.

Probably diversity is not for everyone. But actually, I don't really understand that matter and a lot of others. These things should just be experienced,that's all, I guess. Well, I can at least hope that the celebration part goes well for the sake of everybody interested, can't I...

And, out of the blue:"To regret one’s own experiences is to arrest one’s own development. To deny one’s own experiences is to put a lie into the lips of one’s life. It is no less than a denial of the soul."

Sorry for all that off-topic spoiling and wasting your time : )
Wish you luck with your concerts.


3 May 2014 at 22:49  
Blogger balance said...

Diversity is not the problem-the lack of tolerance and understanding is. Unfortunately that's not something that can be taught-I suppose one either has it or not.

And, no, you're not wasting my time :) Are you kidding?I'm having fun!

As for the concerts...ah, now you're talking! Imagine absolute unconditional happiness and it just might give you an idea how it makes me feel. Thanks!

4 May 2014 at 13:43  
Blogger This Day. This Rain. said...

I couldn't agree more with you.

I will just sit and listen to the silence.

Thanks too.

4 May 2014 at 14:42  
Blogger balance said...

Sometimes silence is the preferable alternative... but it wouldn't be my first choice . I've had enough of it.

5 May 2014 at 11:14  
Blogger This Day. This Rain. said...

What I said was just plain stupid. Sorry, I hate it when I do such things, pretending to be something I'm not. I am trying to be myself, with a questionable success. Sorry for bringing it here.

Probably I am not brave enough and I am finding excuses with pompous, silly sounding words, saying them just to look important, like a attention wh*re. But enough. I don't want to complain or bother anyone. I look like some whiner (the awful type of whiner), and I hate whiners, I don't think that I could even say all these things, it's so easy to just write down some words, sometimes I think that only deceitful people are like that. Probably I am just an ordinary pretender..

I don't prefer silence too. But I'm no good with talking, also, I guess. (I've told you, a complete hypocrite).

Yesterday, I've thought that there is great, untold power behind these two words - "unconditional happiness". I don't think that I could ever image what they would mean for people like you, or understand even a bit of it. And for that reason I don't want to cover it with the filth of my shallowness or lack of common sense, or experience or anything else. But really, I just wanted to say only, that I admire that power, that feeling that you described. I'm sure I do. Well, and as shallow as it sounds, I can only wish you to have as much of it as possible.

Well, a god-damn essay. And intrusive one no less, probably. Maybe all I can is to just write, write, write. Never mind me. Sorry once again.

5 May 2014 at 20:56  
Blogger balance said...

You love words. I like that. Passion for words is not common these days.

First of all-you apologize too much and for the life of me I don't understand why. I find your attention flattering so you can relax-unless your comments are rude (which they're not) they'll be most welcome.

And there's a second and a third and I'll post it as soon as I figure out what it is that I want to say.

You are aware we could have this conversation in Bulgarian, right? But there's a surreal touch to it when it's in English :)

6 May 2014 at 11:56  
Blogger This Day. This Rain. said...

Yes, I also think that in English is better : )
I will try to stop apologizing about anything and everything.

6 May 2014 at 20:02  
Blogger balance said...

I decided not to read between your lines because...I mean, what do I know? I certainly don't know you so whatever I assume could be (and probably is) wrong.

But there's one thing I'm almost an expert at :) You never had a total blast at a concert? If that's any consolation you are not an exception- none of my friends had. Which makes it almost impossible for them to understand why I'm willing to travel 2000 km for a 2 hour experience. It's like describing how chocolate tastes like to someone who has never tried it. It is...beautiful, so beautiful it hurts.

11 May 2014 at 13:34  
Blogger This Day. This Rain. said...

I used to know a person who was also very devoted to concert experience. I don't find it strange if someone wants to travel thousands of kilometers in order to attend any kind of event. Whatever it is, if you like it, fine by me. Judging the others only because they do things which you don't understand is primitive (I don't mean activities like killing and other such crimes, although I think that sometimes those acts could be justified).

As for reading between the lines - I guess everybody is free to think whatever they want. True, we don't know each other. But anyways, your parallel with the chocolate tells it all. These innermost “things” are all that matters, I guess. They don’t have to be defined or named – one either has them or not. They are the main components from which “your tower” is built. Or I don’t know, maybe something like that. But who I am to tell anyone anything.

11 May 2014 at 21:33  

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