Monday, 14 September 2009

Buffoons ;)

Caught a part of MTV Music Awards ceremony this morning. Had the “pleasure” of tuning in right in the middle of Lady GaGa’s performance. She’s obviously trying to be “Marilyn Manson of pop music”-not convincingly at all by my account but everyone else seems to buy it which is just another nail in the coffin of the self-proclaimed as the cherry on the top of the evolutionary cake human civilization. Let me have the cake and keep the cherry for yourself, thank you. The whole celebrity fuss always seems so ridiculous. I mean those people are merely particles of dust caught in a ray of light for a fraction of a second but they behave as if they are the centre of the galaxy. Am I jealous at them? For heaven’s sake no. I’m too busy to feel good right now-not only VAC has a new song that I absolutely love but in addition the new Zoot Woman’s album is adorable :)


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