Saturday, 3 May 2014

... 358

There's a theological discussion taking place next to me and although I have a deep respect for other people's beliefs what I hear is utterly ridiculous. It should be common knowledge by now that the difference between a religion and a cult is the number of followers. To live as if "God" exists is one thing but to really believe that is like believing in Santa Claus. In children that's sweet but in grown ups that is simply disconcerting to say the least. For some reason religion (and I mean any religion at all) can't pass beyond my tolerance line. I guess it comes with too much baggage and is too heavy to cross.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I have a deep respect for other people's beliefs"

"For some reason religion (and I mean any religion at all) can't pass beyond my tolerance line"

you seem to be contradicting yourself :)

23 September 2014 at 03:37  
Blogger balance said...

Yes, people are free to believe in whatever/whoever they want to.

But, no, they are not free to forcibly impose those beliefs on anyone and that is what I find appalling about religions. So the way I see it I don’t contradict myself. But thank you for sharing your thoughts with me-you’re welcome to do it again if you feel like it.

23 September 2014 at 08:04  

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