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I remember a quote from “The war of the clones”:
“Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden.”
And from “Revenge of the Sith”:
“The fear of loss is a path to the Dark Side.”
“Train yourself to let go of everything you are afraid to lose.”
Nothing is forever. No one is forever. If you care for someone - a human or a pet, that someone will walk out of your life, eventually and inevitably. And you will be hurt - eventually and inevitably. The only way to be safe from harm is to be safe from caring for anyone. And there will be no pain.
Of course there will be no love either.
I didn't say that the plan was flawless.
I had an overwhelming week. And as if everything else wasn't enough a couple of days ago a friend who's at the seaside posted that her cat somehow has slipped out of the house and was missing. The cat is blind. I check FB every half an hour for updates but no good news so far. And it got me thinking about all the pets I've lost, all the people and their dogs I used to see everytime we were out with Vincent. They're all gone now, some of the people too. Sometimes real life is just too...real. There's too much sadness in it, too much.