Sunday, 22 February 2015

... 427

roses are red
violets are blue
dreams fade away
when they become true

Can I get any sillier? Sure I can. The only thing scarier than being silly is to forget how to be silly.

... 426

Lately my weekends are solitary-which doesn't come to say they are lonely. For the time being I am apparently better off without people. Maybe I just need an extended rest. Maybe all it takes is for winter to end. Maybe. All I'm certain of is that the only quality time I get is the time spent with the three dogs I take care of. People seem too pretentious and sly for me to bear and only emotion I get from them is the feeling of being used. When I am in such state of mind the meaning of life escapes me and I need to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of human silliness and pettiness so I could fool myself that all this will eventually make sense someday. Somehow I don't think it will.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Wish list

To be able to retire, get a dog and look after him. We'll be very happy together. Happiness is simple.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

... 425

There are pro's and con's to independence. Pro's: you're no longer afraid of solitude. Con's: at some point you start to prefer it.

I had a lovely Valentine's day. Probably because it was absolutely romance- and expectations-free.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

... 424

I just googled "what do you call someone who is disappointed with humankind" and I got quotes about cynicism. Is that what I am-a cynic? I always thought cynicism was another word for realism. Not that it makes it sound any better.

... 423

I hope winter goes away before I burn any bridges. It is common knowledge that what takes ages to create can be destroyed in the blink of an eye and in the game of blinking I wouldn't bet on myself right now.

All I want is to enter spring with a clean slate. If I want good things to happen to me I need to know that I am worthy of them. It's that simple. 

Thursday, 12 February 2015

... 422

Some days the morning “How are you?” sounds like an invitation for a quarrel, when everything people say comes out as rubbish, when someone's mere sight brings out the worst in me. 
Yeah, I know, "it's not you, it's me". It is me who's fed up with history repeating itself over and over. I will do my best to keep my conscience clear but my best might not be good enough.   

Friday, 6 February 2015

... 421

After an overtime working weekend and 12 consecutive working days today my patience is already so stretched that I could strangle someone with it. This isn't a good day to mess with me. Be warned.