... 535
My heart is growing cold. I am afraid to love. The thought terrifies me.
... 534
If it's true that the whole world is in our mind (and it is true) then denial is not only a useful but also unexpectedly merciful survival trick. I used to be ashamed of using it. Now I deliberately maintain a state of denial. It's either that or total, possibly irreversible havoc to my psychic. If it's truth you’re after then take it, it's all yours. I choose to feel if not ultimately happy then not unhappy at least.
... 533
So many hints, so many signs - and all of them mean nothing. My mind no longer believes any of my stories.
"What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here."
I belong nowhere. Unfortunately that I know for sure.
"The darkest hour is just before the dawn." Well, today is pitch-black but there will be no dawn. "The dawn" is just another story.
"Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies..."
... 532
I made up my mind. We deserve it, all of it. Everything that has happened, happens or will happen to us - we deserve it. My verdict is final.
And if you think that the punishment doesn't fit the crime then your memory is poor.
... 531
I know why I can't find peace. Not only I need to believe that people are good - I do believe that. They're not and I know it. It's a fact that gets confirmed numerous times each day. And yet I'm in denial. Why?
Because facts have nothing to do with faith. And faith I need - faith in someone I can touch and talk to.