I don't believe in destiny, no matter how tempting it is to fall for a notion that would relieve me from the burden of responsibility. Just imagine - an almighty force that rules your life and is behind your every high and low. You can't control it, it controls you. It couldn't get any more convenient than that, could it?
But...isn't that the way religious people think of “God”?
“Everything happens for a reason” is a popular saying. And it was precisely failing to see the reason behind misery what made me drop the agnostic bullshit altogether and join the team of atheists.
Do I know for certain that there is no God? Of course not. Does anyone know for certain there IS God? Of course not. And that's my point. Until someone produces as solid, I repeat - solid, and unquestionable proof for either it is up to each person alone to make up one’s own mind on the matter. Clearly it should be an informed decision which, even more clearly, requires a certain amount of accumulated experience and commonsense. Perhaps a minimum age should be set on questions of religion the same way there is a minimum age for driving, smoking, sex, voting, etc. My point is that demanding of a child to commit to religious beliefs of your own choice equals brainwashing.
I am an atheist. I'm neither proud nor ashamed of that the same way I’m neither proud nor ashamed of being a female, Caucasian, Bulgarian, ex-bulimic, 40+, single, etc. All of these are facts and I consider each to be equally important/unimportant. I wish more people felt that way.